
Worst Case Scenario – World of Darkness: 2030, Chapter One

Today we’re delving into one of the tabletop games I run as a GM. There is a brief summary of it on my previous post, Home-brew Havoc: My Current Tabletop RPG Campaigns. The rest is a modified narrative I first shared with my players before beginning our second chapter of the campaign.

We began our journey in a small community northwest of Phoenix, Arizona. While enjoying a quiet drink at the local cantina, the town came under attack by denizens of the Wastelands. Unfortunately for the invaders, they were outgunned and outnumbered, as a scouting party from Mexico also made their presence known with unasked-for assistance.

The Mexican representatives met with the town elders, their intentions clear about taking over Arizona as part of their conquest into southwestern North America. Although sanctuary and citizenship were presented, there was no trust in the offer. The majority of the citizens elected to relocate further north and east, deeper into the center of North America. Let Mexico and the Wastelanders fight each other for the Arizona territory.

Most of the town’s citizens traveled through Phoenix, and two other teams were selected to evacuate the remaining Arizona communities. The players’ group elected to travel north with a supply convoy. They wandered through a handful of smaller towns, most already abandoned. Evidence of attacks by more Wastelanders slowed their progress. They encountered two survivors at a burning homestead, and encouraged them to leave their life behind. The players’ group then continued on their way.

In Prescott, they met a powerful mage and her werewolf allies. They operated out of a structure determined to be the source of an event which wiped out thousands of the community’s inhabitants. During their stay, evidence of a wandering vampire was found, but locating the individual proved fruitless. The mage sorted and packaged books and personal items to send with the team. She assured the players that her crew would follow when business in Prescott concluded.

The journey continued to Flagstaff, where the travelers experienced hospitality and sanctuary. They met the caretakers, residents, and other travelers. After the evening meal, the team explored and mingled a bit. But one of them wandered alone, believing themselves safe, and was attacked from an unknown source…

Stick around, Adventurers! More journeys within The World of Darkness: 2030 await.

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