
We’re Only a Little Bit Dead – Geist: the Sin Eaters, Chapter One

In 2021, my core local gaming group began our first game of Geist. Our characters were once mortals who reached an untimely end and were returned to unlife bound to extremely powerful ghosts. All of us had ties to a fictional crime syndicate in Boston, and were relocated to Grave Falls, Massachusets following our unexpected resurrections.

The first chapter of this campaign was mostly learning about the game mechanics and abilities. Having come off of back-to-back Werewolf: the Apocalypse campaigns, we had to shift gears from WoD to CoD systems.

We had to get to know each other as characters. We had to form a Krewe, and establish a hierarchy. We formed a congregation of followers, both mortal and deceased, and created a system of rankings among them. We used the foundation from our mentor to build a cover organization for our new identities. We needed mundane occupations, and supernatural allies.

We explored the Underworld, appeased the gatekeepers, and began to unravel the mysteries of the Krewe that had come before us. We made friends. We made enemies. And we ended this chapter with a bang.

During the intermission, we lost a player, added a player, and started my World of Darkness 2030 campaign. Our group alternates between these two games every 4-8 months. It gives each of the Storytellers a break and a chance to flex our muscles as players.

Are you ready for more? The WoD:2030 Chapter One recap is coming soon.

Stay tuned, Adventurers!

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