
The Skye Sisters: My Sims 4 YouTube Journey

We’re seven days into 2024, and I’m starting with a new project. I teased a few things in Let’s Get Started with 2024! last week. As you may have already guessed, I’m starting a Sims 4 series on YouTube. Here’s the announcement video that I made a few days ago.

Since I play Sims 4 exclusively on the PC, and it’s not optimized for streaming, I’m trying the next best thing: a pre-recorded play series. I’ve created a new family, and plopped them in one of the worlds. What happens next is still anyone’s guess. It’s also a bit of a personal challenge. I usually only play with Sim households of 1-2 characters. The Skye Sisters family has four!

Tara O’Hara, my current favorite Sim.

I also plan to drop my Twitch stream ( VODs (video on demand) once I finish up with my Dragon Age: Inquisition playthrough. It’s still undetermined what that game will be, but I will have a new playlist set up for that when the time comes. If you have any suggestions, feel free to add them in the comments.

I still operate with minimal tools, unfortunately. Streaming and editing require equipment that I just don’t have the funding for quite yet. I’m working through this with more variety and a regular schedule. Hopefully, I can start earning a small living from the content I produce. Then that small living can start going towards what I need for better content.

Thanks for coming along on this ride, Adventurers! Sharing my love of the Sims 4 is a massive undertaking, and I look forward to seeing you all again soon!