
The Fallen Journal: Part One

I remember the Abyss. A vast, empty void. I remember because there was nothing to forget.

In the time before the Abyss, I was Melusine. The Unraveler. I remember The Morningstar, the bright general, leader of the rebellion. Demons, we were called, for we were no longer angels. But I do not remember fighting with his legion. Who was my superior? Who were the warriors at my side? What purpose did I serve in Lucifer’s army? These are the answers I seek.

Before the Fall, I was Asherah, the Lorekeeper. I remember little of my duties other than directing the flow of the Earth’s creatures. I had a team, but I do not recall who they were or what I guided them to do. Was that my only duty in Heaven? Why am I remembered as The Lorekeeper? Those are also the answers I seek.

Now I am Charlotte. She was a mortal, life cut short in one unexpected and excruciatingly painful tragedy. One of our beloved humans, she was, with a sharp mind that drew me to her like a moth to flame. Charlotte seeks knowledge, shares knowledge, through methods both ancient and modern. She has family. A mother, who was with her when she died and none the wiser for who inhabits the shell. A grandfather, gone but still much beloved. I am to live her life, yet I know so little about it. What has become of the world? What about this mortal’s life is worth preserving, and what must I move her away from? Why is she Charlotte, yet some call her “Charlie” and others say “Miss Beaumont?” I seek those answers as well.

So many more questions.

The Morningstar came to me, as he did the others in what I assume will be my Circle. He tasked us to find him. But I do not know these others. And yet…I do, somehow.

There are other Fallen here. Those who came before us. A tangled mess of politicians, peacekeepers, warriors, and outcasts. It is a tangled web indeed. For now, my circle needs to examine our purpose, our existence, our history. We are playing on their field, yet I do not believe it is the same game.

Will I find the answers within this Circle of Six? Will we be able to find The Morningstar and help the humans fix the mess they’ve made of the world? Is there a new world coming? A new war? Redemption?

So many questions.

Too many lives in one body. Angel. Demon. Human. Am I all? Am I none? Or am I something new?

These are the answers I seek.

(Picture created using StarryAI. Just for fun. We don’t really look like this)