
Save Fherys: Adventuring in a Family D&D Campaign

Our D&D story began in the world of Fherys, on the continent of Sooh. The Crimson Hawks, a well-established Adventurer’s Guild, were recruiting. And five players answered the call.

Gathering the Party

Gathered from across the continent, the new adventurers arrived in the town of Hawksnest, the guild’s headquarters. They joined more than a dozen other recruits, eager for work. Some were seekers of knowledge. Others sought fame and glory. For many, it was an opportunity for stable work and guaranteed income.

The adventurers learned the guidelines and the benefits of joining the Crimson Hawks in the first few days. They got to know each other, their fellow recruits, and others within the guild’s hierarchy. It wasn’t long before they were sent on their first assignment, escorting a merchant caravan.

Hawksnest is located within the country of Exalos. More of my amateur map work can be seen in Where are we? (World Building for Tabletop Role Playing Games)

I need to add here that the characters are starting at first level. There is not much combined experience with 5th edition at our table. This is my first time to DM D&D, and I have 2 players brand new to the game. I also have a couple of NPC companions joining them to fill in certain skill sets until they are no longer needed.

We’re Going on an Adventure

Our party left Hawksnest to meet with the caravan in a nearby town. The trip took just over two days, with fair weather and favorable conditions. On the first leg of their journey, they came across a pack of gnolls. The creatures were starving and desperate in the wake of a hard winter. The gnolls were easily dispatched by the adventurers. On the second day, they encountered a half-ogre ranger and his giant hyena companion. This encounter was resolved without conflict, and the ranger will not forget the party’s diplomacy.

After completing their assignment with the caravan, the party rested at the guildhall within the city. It didn’t take long before they were set to a new task, however, and they were off again the next day. A young harpy had taken up residence in a nearby gem mine, and she was easily removed. The challenge, however, came on their return to the city.

A group of bandits and thugs attacked the party. It was a difficult fight, testing the new skills and abilities they had begun learning during their travels. It was also discovered that this was no ordinary group of bandits, for an insignia found on their captain hinted that they were part of a larger organization.

Downtime in the City

In the aftermath of the bandit attack, the party decided to take a couple days’ rest at the guildhall. They were able to hone their skills (level up), research more about what they had discovered during their travels, and explore the city a bit.

The adventurers also picked up a quick assignment, another delivery, which turned into a rescue mission. They also learned that it’s good to have pigs on your side. Save them first.

This was also a good point to pause the game for a bit. All of us had some personal issues to deal with, and I needed to start putting together the real meat of this campaign. We should be back at the table again after the upcoming holiday insanity has passed us by.

The D&D table

We hope so see you all again soon, Adventurers!