
Let’s Get Started with 2024!

Did you miss me these past couple of weeks, Adventurers? I missed me. But life happens, and I didn’t get any blogging or streaming done in the final two weeks of 2023. Let’s fix that.

I had to use this. Sometimes the right meme just falls in your lap.

Well, in summary, I just wasn’t available. The week before Christmas, I was sick with whatever yuck has been going around. The week from Christmas to New Year’s, I had family commitments. The first I didn’t see coming. The second…well, you kind of just have to wing it when life knocks on your door.

So, many apologies to you all for not adding new content over the holidays. I’ll work on doing better about that, I promise.

Not bad. Could be better.

Those numbers aren’t great. Honestly, this is what I really want to work on in 2024. If you’ve seen the What Will 2024 Look Like for the Sassy Sorceress? post, you already know that my goal is to get these numbers up. I still have to finish the Inquisition play-through, and I’m still not sure what will follow. But with three weekly streams, I should start seeing some improvement.

I definitely watch more than I play.

My 2024 viewer numbers will probably go up significantly, too. I spent the first three quarters of 2023 playing catch-up on old Critical Role episodes, and these numbers mostly reflect when I started watching the live-streams.

I have a lot of ideas that I’m looking into. It may cause some of my posting and streaming schedules to shift a bit, but don’t worry. I’ll keep you all updated as those changes come into play. So far, my schedule has been updated at, so make sure to follow me there for stream alerts.

I am also hoping to update and add to my YouTube channel. It’s been sitting there for a while now, with nothing new added. Once I decide what to do with it, and when that will go into effect, I’ll update everyone here.

In summary, life happens. Plans change. And that’s ok. I’ll still be here in some way, and I hope to see you all, too!

Happy 2024!

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