
Home-brew Havoc: My Current Tabletop RPG Campaigns

Today I want to introduce you all to the primary tabletop games that I’ll be blogging about. Three of them are set in the World of Darkness/Chronicles of Darkness, and the fourth is Dungeons and Dragons 5e. I’ll also tease a fifth game that my core group is in the early stages of developing.

It’s DnD! This is one of the games that I am currently GMing, even though we are taking a hiatus due until some family drama can be settled. I affectionately refer to this campaign as “Save Fherys.” It is set in a homebrew world of my own creation (Fherys) that is still very much a work in progress. All of the players in this campaign are local family members, including two of my own children. It is a fairly balanced adventuring group, but I do have two NPC’s traveling with them. These are in place to round out missing skill sets until such a time as they are no longer needed, or can be used by any guests at our table when they have time to play with us.

The World of Darkness: 2030 This is the second game I currently run as GM.The concept began as a worst-case-scenario of the insanity we lived through in 2020. A “what if” dystopian future that has supernaturals integrated with ordinary mortals just trying to navigate the changes from life (or unlife) as they knew it. I am running with the Chronicles of Darkness games due to their easier integration with each other compared to the WoD games. This campaign is played with a long-standing core TTRPG group that I’ve been involved with. One of my players is the Storyteller for the other two games that I play in.

Geist: the Sin-Eaters Geist is the second game that my core TTRPG group plays. The ST for this game and I switch off every 4-8 months so that neither of us get GM burnout. We have completed two chapters of this campaign, with our third and final chapter starting back up this winter when I trade my WoD2030 hat for a player role. Our Geist game is set in the fictional town of Grave Falls, Massachusetts. We’re recently (somewhat) deceased, bound to very powerful ghosts in order to continue our existence balanced between the Underworld and the land of the living.

Demon: the Fallen This is one of the newest active games in my wheelhouse, replacing a Mage: the Awakening game that had to force-stop due to key players having unexpected real life problems to attend to. Demon is originally from the original WoD game series, but it has been reworked with CoD mechanics. This is an online game that meets every two weeks, with a player base of 7 to accommodate potential absences. It is a mixed group with half of us from the core tabletop crew, and the other half from carefully screened players we’ve met online.

Werewolf: the Apocalypse My main tabletop group always seems to swing back around to this. With our final chapter of Geist fast approaching, we are already looking ahead to what we’ll play at the conclusion of that campaign. This will be our third WtA campaign, and the first that our group is planning together with the storyteller. Our characters already have a long, tangled history together, and building our pack has been loads of fun so far.

So, that’s it for now. I’m sure there will be other games at some point in the future, and I’ll add them if and when they pop up in my life. With all of these games, I’ve made sure to get permission to share from everyone else involved. For privacy reasons, I will not be using real-life names. (Keep an eye out for a future blog discussing the “why” on this decision.)

I look forward to sharing the fictional worlds I’m immersed in with you all. Thanks for joining me, Adventurers!

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