
Fallen Angels in the World of Darkness

*Warning: The following blog post is about the tabletop role-playing game “Demon: the Fallen.” A game. Just a game. For entertainment. (See Home-brew Havoc: My Current Tabletop RPG Campaigns) If that’s not what you’re here for, keep scrolling. We’re just trying to have fun.*

A Crack in the Abyss

It all began with a rush hour pile-up on the Angel Bridge in New Eden, Louisiana. Dozens dead. Over one hundred injured. And seven Demons who walked away with brand new meat suits.

We were Angels once, though we remember little of our time in the Age of Creation. Then came Man, and the first War in Heaven. We became twisted versions of ourselves, living as kings and gods to the depraved mortals. Then we were defeated in the Second War. Our leader, the Morningstar, was lost to us, and we were sent to the depths of the Abyss.

And we eventually lost ourselves, too.

(picture created with AI)

A Human Life

Our bodies are not our own. We feel pain and we feel pleasure. We carry out the lives our hosts once had, with their memories leaking through. With our memories leaking through.

Our bodies here are mortal. We are Demons and we are Angels. We are all and none simultaneously. It’s really damn confusing sometimes.

We are not Alone

Our Circle is not the first to have ascended from the endless dark. There are others – many others – and they are not happy to have us here. Well…some of them are, but they’re not very well liked, either.

Oh, and there are other creatures here, too. Mages, Werewolves, and Vampires, just to name a few. We know they’re here. We can feel them. And we have to play nice.

For now.

The Task at Hand

We need to establish a safe territory and build a network of followers and believers. We need to survive in a world that is determined to destroy itself.

There is a dark mystery in New Eden. A monolith that binds us, though we have no memory of it or of each other. A cursed pattern lies at the base of the city’s infrastructure. A once-influential family fallen into ruin. We need to sort it all out.

Oh, and we have to find the General. Somewhere in New Haven is Lucifer Morningstar himself, trapped and tasking us with setting him free.

When we do, there will be hell to pay.

(picture created with AI)

*Reminder: This is a game. It’s fictional. We’re just a bunch of nerdy gamers who play in an online TtRPG.*