
A NaNoWriMo Update: Working for the Word Count

Do you remember a few weeks ago when I mentioned that I was writing a novel for NaNoWriMo? (How do you NanoWrimo? Tales from a Writing Rebel) Well, it’s a little bit past the halfway point now, so I figured it was time for a quick update on that.

I’ve been doing pretty well sticking to my personal goal of writing every day. Overall I’m not in bad shape, even though I haven’t always hit the daily word count. Still, I’ve managed to keep a few chapters ahead with what I’ve handwritten against what I’ve officially typed up.

Squeezing in time to work on the novel while also keeping up with this blog and my gaming streams at hasn’t been easy. There are always distractions. I have a kiddo who’s homeschooling. The internet has given me some issues. Bills are piling up and starting to stress me out, too. Oh, and the four-footed kids think that I should be paying more attention to them since I’m home most of the time now.

I just can’t work anywhere in peace, can I?

My current, official count is sitting at 24,710 words. That’s not including the four chapters I have sitting in the notebook, ready to be plugged into my word processing app. Remember, the goal is 50k, so I’m a little bit behind. Officially.

But I’m going to get there. I’m going to keep plugging away at it, and keep that count at a steady incline. There’s still a little more than a week left, and I have no plans for the holiday coming up to distract me.

Keep me in your sights, Adventurers! I’ll update you all again when National Novel Writing Month has come to an end.