
What Will 2024 Look Like for the Sassy Sorceress?

To say that the last few months have been challenging is an understatement. My life took a very unexpected turn, and I made some very difficult decisions. One of those decisions was to take up my blogging, streaming, and writing again.

I am by no means an outgoing social butterfly, and I’ve had to step way out of my comfort zone to increase my online presence. It’s been a very slow process, but I still have a lot of work to do. Here’s what I’m looking at for 2024.

I don’t see much of a change coming here with the blog. I’ll still cover tabletop games, my streaming, novel writing progress, and what little from my personal life I’m comfortable sharing. I still plan to write for this site on Sundays and Wednesdays.

What I will not include, however, is “extras” from the novel itself. Not here, anyway. If, and when, I decide to share anything that’s not a part of the book, I will likely do it through a membership or subscription-based platform. I’m currently debating if I want to use my existing BMC ( or start on a different site. Either way, make sure you’re looking out for that once I have it ready.

The biggest change will be with my streaming schedule. I’ve been at on Monday and Thursday afternoons. That will change soon to Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings. I’ll start experimenting with those time slots over the next few weeks, so make sure you’re following me there to get notified.

The reason for this change is because I’m working to get my follower count up. There just isn’t much viewership during the afternoons, and it can get discouraging at times. But I hope that by getting the numbers up, I can hit a goal that will help me start earning a small income from what I already enjoy doing. The goal is to get at least one new follower per streaming session. Pretty reasonable, I think, and attainable.

I’m still working on the first draft. The timeline for that has already been discussed in NaNoWriMo: What Happens when November is Over?. It’s possible that I may deviate from that timeline a little bit based on how slowly or how quickly I get through the stages of getting the novel completed.

Start to finish is a very long process. It’s so much more than getting the words down on paper, though that is the most important step. What comes after…well, I can’t completely determine what will happen. I can only set my goals and hope for the best.

Yeah, this one’s going to be the hard one for me. I am very much an introvert, and a homebody. I don’t have a catchy gimmick that will get me loads of followers and such from the popular social media platforms.

But I’ll try to do better. I will try to stay active, and present, even if it’s just a picture of the cats. Or a video of my lazy dog. Maybe, with practice, I can make a relatively boring life seem appealing. It’s worth a try, right?

Shadow is unamused and judging you. Welcome to my life.

So that’s what I’m looking at for 2024 so far. It’s not a lot, and mostly just makes a few small changes to what I’ve already been doing. I hope to see you all as I continue this adventure!

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