
Caretakers of the Dead – Geist: the Sin-Eaters, Chapter 2

In We’re Only a Little Bit Dead – Geist: the Sin Eaters, Chapter One, I gave a brief overview of the early days playing this game. It was mostly learning how to play as a different type of supernatural being. The powers and weaknesses. The benefits and drawbacks.

Chapter One was the lesson. Chapter Two was the homework. Chapter Three will be our final exam.

Navigating Death (and Unlife)

An ongoing challenge for our Krewe was building and maintaining our congregation – a community of the dead, and the living who had been left behind. We are based out of an old church, which is home to our town’s oldest graveyard. It provides Grave Falls with counseling services, a soup kitchen, and other community outreach programs.

We have loyal followers and supporters. Ghosts of those whose remains are buried on-site, or whose anchors have come into our possession. Families of the recently deceased. Folks who are sensitive to spirits of the dead.

We’ve recruited members from a Krewe that met disaster years before our arrival to Grave Falls. And there’s a mage. We really want that mage.

A ghost’s anchor can be anything that was important to them in life. Our Krewe has collected a lot of weird stuff.

Unmasking the Enemies

While we were fortunate enough to make friends with some of the previous Krewe’s mortal companions, others were not as willing to play nice. With a power void left behind, some rushed to fill it. And they did so with no regard to the souls they encountered. Ghosts were destroyed. Geists were entrapped. And the Sin Eaters were hunted.

An organization of specialized hunters had come to Grave Falls. They destroyed the gates between the realms of the living and the dead. Ghosts both weak and powerful were trapped and tortured. And this group recruited one of our own.

We had thought him lost in the aftermath of a devastating surge of power from the underworld. Had he been captured? Had he been destroyed? We learned the truth much too late, for he had joined with those who were working against us. And we had not protected ourselves from someone who had once been a trusted member of our Krewe.

Rivers of the Dead

The Underworld was no safer than the realm above. A vast network of rivers and cities of the dead that we had begun to explore were plunged into chaos. The ferrymen, great navigators of the Underworld’s rivers, were nowhere to be found.

A shanty-town of ghosts became a refuge for those banished from the world above. Once-great cities that were host to countless dead had been demolished and dismantled.

And a river of flesh had burst through the nearest gate and entered the world as a formidable, physical entity. It devoured all in its path, with no regard for the living or the dead.

The Final Chapter

When we closed the second chapter of this game, our Krewe was scattered. We had been separated, each pursuing pieces of a puzzle to set things back on the right path. And our enemies took advantage of this isolation.

We will return to the table this weekend, not knowing if our characters have a home to go back to. But we know one thing with absolute clarity.

The one who betrayed us? He dies first.

I’ll be back in a few months with a re-cap of our final chapter in Geist: the Sin-Eaters. Between now and then, keep an eye out for character profiles, short stories, and more fun little blurbs about the game.

We’ll see you soon, Adventurers!