
The Adventure Begins

Greetings Adventurers!

Welcome to The Sassy Sorceress!

This blog will be many things, and it will not be other things. It is part adventure journal, part character profiles, part GM rambling, and part real life. It is not exclusive to any single TTRPG, but it will lean heavily towards D&D 5e and World of Darkness games. It is not connected to any livestream tabletop programming, but I might eventually get back to broadcasting my console and PC games. Lastly, it’s not a reference library for GMs and players. There are already hundreds of those to sort through, but I may occasionally share which ones I use.

I don’t get paid for writing this blog. Maybe, someday, I will. We would all love to get reimbursed for simply doing what we love, but it’s not something I expect. If that day comes, yay! If not…well, I’m still doing something that I love.

Thank you for being here. And thank you for joining me on this adventure!